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Or simply click the Facebook/Twitter share button below.
(You can also share from Class123 app by clicking the heart icon on the top right.)

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  • All
  • Starting Class123
  • Account
  • Cards & points
  • Class
  • Board
  • Parent/Student
  • Troubleshooting


  • What is Class123?

    Class123 is a classroom management tool for teachers. You can view Class123 tutorials here.

  • How do I invite parents and students to Class123?

    Login Class123 from your PC.
    1. After logging in, click parent/student below the 'Start class' button on your class card.
    2. Click 'Download parent/student codes' at the top right of the box.
    3. Or Click 'Access code' to see each individual code of the parent or student.

    On mobile, go to 'Connected' and check the individual code of students and parents.

    **Teachers can set Usernames and passwords for students from the 'Parent/Student' screen.

  • I can't see my class on mobile.

    1. Make sure you are using the same email address on both desktop and mobile version of Class123.
    2. If the troubleshooting tips above don't fix the problem, email us at

  • How to share class with other teachers/
    How to unshare

    1. Click 'Share class' icon on the top right of your class you wish to share from my classscreen.
    2. Enter the collaborator's email address you'd like to share classes with.
    3. To unshare a class simply click 'Disconnect' under the setting.

  • How to delete and restore a class.

    From PC
    To delete a class go to your class list and click 'delete class' on the bottom of settings.

    From mobile
    1. Choose a class you wish to delete.
    2. Click Setting on the bottom of your screen.
    3. Click 'Archive class'

    You can restore a class from your PC only.
    To restore a class, go to 'class archive' on the top right of your class lists and click restore.

  • How to give multiple points

    Give more than one card

    1. Go to the card tab after choisong a student to award, and click the 'Give more' tab.
    2. You can award multiple cards in quantity at once.

    Award multiple (Available on PC)

    1. After starting your class, open 'Students' and click 'Award multiple' on the bottom right.
    2. You can view by students or by card to give multiple points.

  • How to delete or add a card

    1. To delete or add a card, go to 'card settings' under your class settings from my class list.
    2. Click 'Add my card' to add a new wow or no-no card.

    *Click the (x) on the right top of the card to delete. (You can restore a deleted card from 'Card archive')

  • How to delete given points.

    From PC
    1. Click 'Manage records' from the class you would like to delete records from.
    2. Click the delete icon on top of each record or click the check box on the left to delete multiple records.

    From mobile
    1. Start class and click the dice icon on the top right.
    2. Click 'Delete records' to delete.

    **You can't restore a deleted record.
    To change or reset the shown points instead of deleting click here

  • How to reset points shown on students.

    Reset shown points
    After clicking 'Start class' from your PC, go to students and click reset points on the bottom right.
    You can reset the whole class's points or selected points to 0. (The records from analytic report is not affected.)

    Reset shown points & golden eggs
    After clicking 'Start class' from your PC, go to settings on the bottom left of your screen and click 'Reset Points/golden egg'.
    This will reset the shown student points, golden egg and class home screen.(The records from analytic report is not affected.)

    Reset all records
    To reset all accumulated record, go to 'Analytic report' and choose 'whole class'.
    On the bottom of the page you will find 'Delete all records'.

  • How to give different points per card

    Currently, we don't have a function to give different value for each card.
    Here are some ways you can give multiple cards at once.

    1. Go to the card tab after choisong a student to award, and click the 'Give more' tab.
    2. You can award multiple cards in quantity at once.

    Award multiple (Available on PC)

    1. After starting your class, open 'Students' and click 'Award multiple' on the bottom right.
    2. You can view by students or by card to give multiple points.

  • How to import cards created from other classes

    You can import behavior cards when you make a new class on the desktop version of Class123.
    Click 'Copy Class' button located in the right side of the screen after logging in.
    Choose the class or card you want to import cards from.

  • How to hide points from student board.

    1. Click Start Class and go to Setting on the bottom left of your screen.
    3. Choose to 'Hide points' from points display and save.

  • How to cancel points given by mistake.

    Click 'undo' on the left top of your screen within 5 seconds of giving a card.
    Or go to analytic report and click student's name. You can edit card history under records.

  • How to award groups

    Go to seat chart and select a group to award. You can exclude a student in a group or include a students from another group by clicking on a name.

  • What is a golden egg?

    The cloud screen displays 9 latest students who have received a wow card, once it becomes 10 students a golden egg is created.
    After that, the screen will refresh to start another set of golden eggs

    Many teachers use the golden egg as a goal tracker.
    You can change the setting to deduct 1 golden egg for 10 no-no cards by clicking on the golden egg on your screen.

  • How do I deduct golden egg?

    1. Click 'Start class' and open setting on the bottom left of your screen.
    2. Choose to 'deduct per 10 no-nos' on deduct golden egg.

  • How to archive or delete a student

    1. Click 'student settings' under your class list from my class screen.
    2. Click on the (x) on each students name.

  • How to change student avatar

    Teachers can change the type of student's avatar only. Students can change face expressions in student Class123.

    Follow the steps to change the type of avatar.
    1. Click 'Student setting' on the class you wish to change avatars from my class screen.
    2. Click student avatar.
    3. Choose the avatar you want to change to, and click save.

  • How to change the order of students

    From PC
    1. Click start class, and go to setting on the bottom left of your screen.
    2. From student sorting, you can pick either 'by number' or 'by name'.

    From mobile
    1. Go to settings on the top right.
    2. From student sorting, you can pick either 'by number' or 'by name'.

  • How to change student name

    *Student's history and account informtion still remains after choosing student's name.
    1. Click 'Student setting' on the class you wish to change name from my class screen.
    2. Click student avatar.
    3. After changing name, click save to complete.

  • How to add students

    1. Click 'Student setting' on the class you wish to wish to add students from my class screen.
    2. Type student's name on left and click 'Add students'.

  • How to find student's password

    Teachers can reset student's password on PC.

    1. Log in from your PC and click Parent/student from your class on My class screen
    2. Click 'reset password' under students name.
    3. Type in the new password and click change password.

  • Can parents and students post on boards?

    Only teachers can post on boards. Parents and students can comment only.

  • Can I create multiple quizzes in ASK?

    You can only create one quiz per posting.

  • What is the limit for board storage?

    Each file within a post is limited to 10 mega bites.
    There is no size limit for the total board storage.

  • How to edit previous attendance

    1. Go to analytic report.
    2. Click the second box area 'Attendance'.
    3. Choose a date range on the top right to view the attendance report.
    4. Click the date you wish to edit attendance.
    5. Click on the students name to change the status and click confirm to save.

  • I see different points on boards and reports.

    The points you see on 'Students' reflects all changes you have made. The points you see on the report shows the original points on selected dates.

  • Can I print the analytic report?

    You will find a 'print report' button on the top right of the analytic report page.

  • How to check students history per card

    1. Go to your analytic report page and click 'Whole class'.
    2. Click on the card you like to see the student history from the 3rd section Wows & No-nos.

  • Can parents or students send me a message?

    At the moment only teachers can send messages first.
    We are currently working on updating the feature for teachers to receive messages!

  • Can students message each other?

    Student's can't message each other.

  • Points of students have disappeared

    Please check if you have logged in using a different Class123 username.
    If you need further hellp, email us at

  • I have trouble connecting to Class123 at school but it works at home.

    If your are running any anti virus program please close it and restart Class123.
    If Class123 runs normal please let us know they name of the anti virus program so we can contact the company directly to prevent future issues.

    If the problem continues, check with your school's network manager to see if is blocked.
    Please email us at, if the problem wasn't solved.

  • I have twins in my class.Can one parent connect to two students?

    Yes, you can add two students to your account by adding two parents codes.

  • How do I sync devices?

    Simply log in with your username on different devices. Everything will be syncyed automatically.

  • How do I hide wow and no-no points from Parent and student Class123?

    Go to class setting and edit your sharing setting on 'Wow/No-no records'.

  • How can I edit the records of memo given with wow/no-no cards?

    Choose a student or the whole class you would like to edit memos within the date range on 'analytic report'. You can edit/delete/add memos on every card given.

  • How can I share memos I wrote when giving cards with parents?

    Go to class setting and edit your sharing setting on 'Memo records'.

  • How can I remove all nono cards?

    Go to 'Card settings' and delete all no-no cards. The no-no card button will disappear from your student screen.